Thursday, January 17, 2008

Editor's ramblings

So it's a new year - 2008 - and a year of change for me. I am on the final stretch of my PhD and am trying to edit it. It's a very time consuming and deadly boring experience. I have been working on this thesis for three years now. I am not sure how others take longer without getting tired of the same project. I am lucky enough to still enjoy my topic but I may not be saying the same thing a few weeks from now as the editing phase takes its toll. I should be submitting it in the next two months for assessment.

Once I've submitted my thesis I will start actively looking for jobs. Where? Who knows. At the moment, job satisfaction is more important to me than location. The last non-academic job I had was in London working for a charity, which was unrewarding in every way. Hopefully this time I can find something interesting enough to keep me entertained for longer than six months.

You can tell when I am carrying out boring tasks as not only do I ramble on but I also start to wonder why people haven't invented certain things or why something happens.

My thought for the day is: Why hasn't someone invented dissolvable chewing gum? It would be great if the rate at which the flavour of chewing gum disappears, so does the gum. A mate reckons that would be a mentos but they aren't that chewy and don't last that long either.

Maybe another ramble in a few days when I get sidetracked again...

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